High School Student

5 Attend Bobcat Advising and Registration

You're almost there! After completing the Bobcat Welcome and placement assessments, it's time to meet with an academic advisor and register for your classes.

Spring Term 2025

We are looking forward to helping you get prepared for Spring term! Please sign up for one of our in-person Advising and Registration days. We can't wait to see you!

Planning to take an online course? Be sure to complete the Online Orientation before meeting with an advisor. It's required for all students taking online courses at COCC.

Schedule Advising and Registration 

Bend Campus - Cascade Hall 

Dates Session Times
Monday, March 3 9:45 a.m, 1:00 p.m,  or 3:00 p.m
Wednesday, March 19 9:45 a.m, 1:00 p.m,  or 3:00 p.m
Thursday, March 27 9:45 a.m, 1:00 p.m,  or 3:00 p.m

Madras Campus - Computer Lab

Dates Session Times
Wednesday, March 12 10:00 a.m

 Prineville Campus - Computer Lab

Dates Session Times
Wednesday, March 12 2:00 p.m

Redmond Campus - Technology and Education Center

Dates Session Times
Monday, March 17 12:30 p.m, 3:00 p.m

 If you are unable to attend in person due to traveling or health and safety, please contact CAP Services for other options at 541-383-7200 or email capservices@cocc.edu.

Taking Online Credit Classes?
Successfully complete the required Orientation for Online Classes at COCC prior to course registration.