Academic Calendar - Important Dates by Term

  WINTER 2025 SPRING 2025 SUMMER 2025 FALL 2025


November 18

Priority registration begins for current degree-seeking students.

November 25

Registration begins for new, transfer, and returning degree-seeking students. Advising is required.

November 26

Registration begins for non-degree seeking students.

December 1 

For students planning to receive Financial Aid for Winter term, priority consideration will be given to those students who complete their Financial Aid requirements by December 1.

December 23-27

Winter break; College closed

December 29

Admissions application deadline. Last day to submit an application for Winter Term.

January 1

New Years Day observed; College closed

January 2

Last opportunity for new, returning, and transfer degree seeking students to complete advising and be eligible to register for Winter term classes.

January 5, 7pm

Last day of automatic enrollment from existing waitlists for full-term classes. Last day to add to a waitlist for full-term classes. Courses not spanning full term will have different deadlines. Class specific dates will be posted prior to Winter term.

January 6

Classes Begin

January 17, 5pm

Tuition due and last day to drop full-term classes with a refund. Courses not spanning full term will have different deadlines. Class specific dates will be posted prior to Winter term.

January 20

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day observed; College closed.

January 21

Late charges applied for unpaid Winter term tuition.

January 21

Late registration fees begin.

February 21, 5pm

Last day to drop full-term classes with no grade on transcript. Last day to change to/from audit. Courses not spanning full term will have different deadlines. Class specific dates will be posted prior to Winter term.

February 21, 5pm

Payment plan balance due.

February 24

Beginning date for required instructor approval to drop classes. Instructor approval will be given online (student must follow up with Enrollment Services to complete the drop). A grade of "W" will show on transcript. Courses not spanning full term will have different deadlines. Class specific dates will be posted prior to Winter term.

March 12, 5pm      

Last day to withdraw from classes. Instructor's online approval is required and a grade of "W" will show on transcript. Courses not spanning full term will have different deadlines. Class specific dates will be posted prior to Winter term.

March 17-21

Finals week

March 23

Winter term ends

March 24-28

Spring Break

March 27

Winter term grades posted to Bobcat Web Account.


February 24

Priority registration begins for current degree-seeking students.

March 1

For students planning to receive Financial Aid for Spring term, priority consideration will be given to those students who complete their Financial Aid requirements by March 1.

March 3

Registration begins for new, transfer, and returning degree-seeking students. Advising is required.

March 10

Registration begins for non-degree seeking students.

March 23

Admissions application deadline. Last day to submit an application for Spring term.

March 26

Bobcat Orientation in person at the Bend Campus

March 27

Bobcat Orientation in person at the Redmond Campus 

March 27

Last opportunity for new, returning, and transfer degree seeking students to complete advising and be eligible to register for Spring term classes.

March 28

Bobcat Orientation remote option

March 30, 7pm

Last day of automatic enrollment from existing waitlists for full-term classes. Last day to add to a waitlist for full-term classes. Courses not spanning full term will have different deadlines. Class specific dates will be posted prior to Spring term.

March 31

Classes begin

April 11, 5pm

Tuition due and last day to drop full-term classes with a refund. Courses not spanning full term will have different deadlines. Class specific dates will be posted prior to Spring term.

April 14

Late charges applied for unpaid Spring term tuition.

April 14

Late registration fees begin.

May 16, 5pm

Last day to drop full-term classes with no grade on transcript. Last day to change to/from audit. Courses not spanning full term will have different deadlines. Class specific dates will be posted prior to Spring term.

May 16, 5pm

Payment plan balance due.

May 19     

Beginning date for required instructor approval to drop classes. Instructor approval will be given online (student must follow up with Enrollment Services to complete the drop). A grade of "W" will show on transcript. Courses not spanning full term will have different deadlines. Class specific dates will be posted prior to Spring term.

May 26

Memorial Day observed; College closed

June 4, 5pm

Last day to withdraw from classes. Instructor's online approval is required and a grade of "W" will show on transcript. Courses not spanning full term will have different deadlines. Class specific dates will be posted prior to Spring term.

June 9

Finals week

June 14


June 15

Spring term ends

June 18

Spring term grades posted to Bobcat Web Account.

June 19

Juneteenth Holiday observed; College closed


April 14

Priority registration begins for current degree-seeking students.

April 21

Registration begins for new, transfer, and returning degree-seeking students. Advising is required.

April 28

Registration begins for non-degree seeking students.

June 1

For students planning to receive Financial Aid for Summer term, priority consideration will be given to those students who complete their Financial Aid requirements by June 1.

June 15

Admissions application deadline. Last day to submit an application for Summer term.

June 19

Juneteenth Holiday observed; College closed

June 20

Bobcat Orientation 

June 20

Last opportunity for new, returning, and transfer degree seeking students to complete advising and be eligible to register for Summer term classes.

June 22, 7pm

Last day of automatic enrollment from existing waitlists for full-term classes. Last day to add to a waitlist for full-term classes. Courses not spanning full term will have different deadlines. Class specific dates will be posted prior to Summer term.

June 23

Classes begin

July 4

Independence Day observed; College closed

July 3, 5pm

Tuition due and last day to drop full-term classes with a refund. Courses not spanning full term will have different deadlines. Class specific dates will be posted prior to Summer term.

July 7

Late charges applied for unpaid Summer term tuition

July 7

Late registration fees begin

August 8, 12pm

Last day to drop full-term classes with no grade on transcript. Last day to change to/from audit. Courses not spanning full term will have different deadlines. Class specific dates will be posted prior to Summer term.

August 8, 12pm

Payment plan balance due

August 11

Beginning date for required instructor approval to drop classes. Instructor approval will be given online (student must follow up with Enrollment Services to complete the drop). A grade of "W" will show on transcript. Courses not spanning full term will have different deadlines. Class specific dates will be posted prior to Summer term.

August 20, 5pm

Last day to withdraw from classes. Instructor's online approval is required and a grade of "W" will show on transcript. Courses not spanning full term will have different deadlines. Class specific dates will be posted prior to Summer term.

August 25

Last week of classes. Finals on last day of class.

Aug 29-Sept 1

Labor Day observed; College closed.

August 31

Summer term ends. 

September 4

Summer term grades posted to Bobcat Web Account.


May 5

Priority registration begins for current degree-seeking students.

May 12

Registration begins for new, transfer, and returning degree-seeking students. Advising is required.

May 19

Registration begins for non-degree seeking students.                      

July 4

Independence Day observed; College closed

September 1

For students planning to receive Financial Aid for Fall term, priority consideration will be given to those students who complete their Financial Aid requirements by September 1.

August 29-September 1

Labor Day observed; College closed.

September 14

Admissions Application Deadline. Last day to submit an application for Fall term.

September 18

Last opportunity for new, returning, and transfer degree seeking students to complete advising and be eligible to register for Fall term classes.

September 21, 7pm

Last day of automatic enrollment from existing waitlists for full-term classes. Last day to add to a waitlist for full-term classes. Courses not spanning full term will have different deadlines. Class specific dates will be posted prior to Fall term.

September 22

Classes begin.

October 3, 5pm

Tuition due and last day to drop full-term classes with a refund. Courses not spanning full term will have different deadlines. Class specific dates will be posted prior to Fall term.

October 6

Late charges applied for unpaid Fall term tuition.

October 6

Late registration fees begin.

November 7, 5pm

Last day to drop full-term classes with no grade on transcript. Last day to change to/from audit. Courses not spanning full term will have different deadlines. Class specific dates will be posted prior to Fall term.

November 7, 5pm

Payment Plan balance due.

November 11

Veterans Day observed; College closed.

November 10

Beginning date for required instructor approval to drop classes. Instructor approval will be given online (student must follow up with Enrollment Services to complete the drop). A grade of "W" will show on transcript. Courses not spanning full term will have different deadlines. Class specific dates will be posted prior to Fall term.

November 27-28

Thanksgiving observed; College closed. 

December 3, 5pm

Last day to withdraw from classes. Instructor's online approval is required. A grade of "W" will show on transcript. Courses not spanning full term will have different deadlines. Class specific dates will be posted prior to Fall term.

December 8-12

Finals Week

December 14

Fall term ends

December 18

Fall term grades posted to Bobcat Web Account.

December 22-26

Winter break; College closed


*Courses not spanning the full term will have different deadlines. For questions, please reach out to Admissions and Records at or 541-383-7500.