Services for Students with Disabilities

Department Main Contact:
LIB #010 (Library Lower Level), 2600 NW College Way, Bend, OR 97703

Faculty, please also visit our department's intranet page for helpful accommodation information for faculty.





             Image of 3 people in circle with questions marks in circles coming off it. Information for Parents and Counselors  
        Image of voice boxes one with lines other with question mark. FAQ


Managing Your Accommodations Tutorials

  • Requesting Accommodations
    1. Log Into your Services with Disability Accommodation Account
    2. Once logged in and on the ‘my dashboard’ page, Scroll Down and locate ‘Select Accommodations for Your Class’
        • You will see an important note explaining why your courses may not appear yet, and if you wish to modify or cancel a previous request
    3. Select the classes you want to request accommodations in by Clicking on the Checkbox on the right of Term and Course Name
    4. Once all are selected Click on ‘Step 2 – Continue to Customize Your Accommodations’Screenshot of Select Accommodations for Your Class Box
    5. Select specific accommodations for each course
        • You will see each course broken up starting with course Name, then gives you courses days/time, date range and location.
        • In each course Select the Accommodations you want in that course by Clicking on the checkbox next to the accommodation.
            • Note: if you have multiple Alternative Testing Accommodations they will all be housed within the one checkbox of Alternative Testing
        • If you accidentally selected a course you do not want accommodations in Click on Checkbox found in the Yellow box found above the ‘Select Accommodation(s) for course’ box

    Screenshot of Selecting your Accommodations per Class

     6. Once you have all accommodations in each course select, Submit your requests by scrolling to the bottom of the page and Clicking on Submit Your Accommodation RequestScreenshot of Submit Your Accommodation Requests button

      7. Your screen should then read SYSTEM UPDATE IS SUCCESSFUL with a green checkmark next to it.


  • Modifying Request(s)
    1. Log into your Accommodations Account
    2. By using the ‘My Accommodations’ Tool Box found on the Left-Hand side of your screen
        • Click on the List Accommodations

                        My Accommodations Tool Bar Menu

    1. This will bring you directly to the Current Term accommodations you have selected per course.
        • Scroll Down to the course you are wanting to Modify/Cancel
            • NOTE: If needing to Modify/Cancel for Previous Terms or Next Term you may do so by Clicking on ‘Previous Term’ found on the far left or ‘Next Term’ found on the far right of yellow box with the Current Term listed
        • Once found the course you wish to Modify/Cancel
            • Click on the corresponding link found to the far right of the gray box with the title of the course.

    Select Accommodations Per Class

    1. Modify Request – Once clicked will bring you directly to the course allowing you to select or deselect your accommodations.

    Modify Your Accommodation Request

          • Once you have completed the modification Scroll to the bottom of the page and Select Update Request

    Screenshot of Update Request Button

    1. Once Clicked on Update Request you will be brought directly back to ‘My Dashboard’ with Green Checkmark at the top of your screen saying ‘YOUR REQUEST WAS SUBMITTED SUCCESSFULLY’

    Screenshot of Update Successful

    1. Cancel Request – Once clicked on you will be brought to a Canceling Accommodation prompt box asking to select a reason to Cancel Services - Select One (‘I do not need services for this class’ or ‘I have dropped or withdrawn from this class’)
          • Once selected an option Click on ‘Cancel Accommodation Request’

    Screenshot of Cancelling Accommodation

    1. Once Clicked on Cancel Accommodation Request you will be brought directly back to ‘My Dashboard’ with Green Checkmark at the top of your screen saying ‘YOUR REQUEST WAS SUBMITTED SUCCESSFULLY’


  • Viewing Eligibility
    1. Log into your Accommodations Account
    2. By using the ‘My Accommodations’ Tool Box found on the Left-Hand side of your screen
          • Click on the My Eligibility link

                            Screenshot of My Eligibility page

    1. This will bring you directly to your ‘My Eligibility’ page for you to view the approved accommodations you have received or Eligibility you have received from the Services for Students with Disabilities Department.

    ***If you are not seeing a certain type of eligibility on your list, please contact the Services for Students with Disabilities Department to schedule a meeting with us to review your eligibility. ***

  • Alternative Testing


    1. Log into your Accommodations Account
    2. By using the ‘My Accommodations’ Tool Box found on the Left-Hand side of your screen
          • Click on ‘Alternative Testing’ tab

                                                 Alternative Testing Tab in Menu box

    1. Using the drop-down menu Select the Class you wish schedule and exam for

    Schedule an Exam Select Class drop menu screenshot

    1. View Testing Instructions to have an idea what this class exams, quizzes, midterm, and final will be like, what is allowed for them, and the time limit the class has to take it.
          • Once you have selected your course Click on ‘View Testing Instructions’

    Screenshot of View Testing Instructions button

          • This will bring you directly to the Testing Instructions your instructor has completed. Scroll down to view all instructions along with the time limits for exams in this class at the bottom of the page.
                • At the top of this screen, you may click on
                    • Back to Overview – This will bring you back to the Alternative Testing home
                    • Schedule Exam – This will bring you directly to the Exam Request page

    Screenshot of Testing Instructions page

                    ***NOTE: These must be completed prior to you scheduling a Late Exam Request. ***

          • You will be able to tell if these are not completed by seeing the dash next to the classes                         name saying; ‘No Testing Instructions Specified’

    Screenshot of Schedule an Exam - No testing instructions specified

    1. Once class is select and ready Click on Schedule an Exam’

    Screenshot of Schedule Exam Button

    1. This will bring you directly to the Exam Request page
          • At the top of the page you will find the Bend Campus Testing Center Hours in the yellow box labeled ‘TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SCHEDULING EXAM’ Clicking on the link labeled ‘Exam Schedule Availability’
          • You will also find your class scheduled days, time and date range

    Screenshot of Bend Testing Center Exam Schedule Availability link

          • Scroll down to the Exam Detail box
              • Fill out all of the Red Astrict *
                  • Request Type: Using the drop-down menu select what you will be taking (i.e., Exam/Test, Final, Midterm, Quiz)
                  • Date: Select the date you wish to take the exam requesting
                  • Time: This is only the START TIME – First Select is Hours, Second Select is Minutes. Note: We will calculate your end time based off the accommodations being requested.
                  • Services Requested (As Applicable): Select ALL the accommodations you are requesting to use for this exam request.
                  • Required Technology: Odd name for it but this Location at which you will be taking this exam request (i.e., Bend Campus, Redmond Campus, Madras Campus)
                  • Additional Note: This is for you to add any note you would like for the Testing Center to know about the request you are making. This note will be confirmed with the instructor prior to you taking your requested exam. (Not are required field)
          • Submit exam request by Clicking on the ‘Add Exam Request’ button at the bottom of the page.

    Screenshot of Exam Detail box

    1. Scheduling an Exam Request within the 7 business day window
        • Complete Steps 5 & 6
        • Once submitted you will be prompted to a ‘LATE EXAM NOTICE – ACTION REQUIRED’ with the policy statement “Please be aware that late exams require approval from the Testing Center”
        • Fill out the ‘Late Exam Request’ box underneath notice
            • Completed the Reason by using the drop-down menu and Select One option;
                • “I forgot to schedule in time”
                • “Late notice about an exam from instructor/Pop quiz”
                • “Other” – You much fill out the Additional Information if selected Other
            • Check the box stating “I have read and understand the late exam request policy above”
        • Click on ‘Submit Late Exam Request’

    Screenshot of Late Exam Request box

    1. Once you have Submitted you Exam Request or Late Exam Request you will be brought back to a new Exam Request page with a green check mark saying SYSTEM UPDATE IS SUCCESSFUL – this means your exam request has been submitted successfully.
          • You will receive notification emails once submitted stating the Testing Center will processing your request and to wait for the Approved email to your COCC email.
                • Once Approved you will receive a notification email stating your request has been approved.

    Screenshot of System Update is Successful

    1. Modify and Cancel Exam Requests by going back to Alternative Testing Tab on the left-hand side under My Accommodations.
          • Scroll down to section ‘UPCOMING EXAM REQUEST(S) FOR THE CURRENT TERM’
                • Within this section you will see every request you have submitted for the current term with the details of each request.
                      • On the right-hand side of these details you will find in blue ‘Modify Request’ and in red ‘Cancel Request’

    Screenshot to Modify and Cancel Request


          • Modify Request – Will bring you back to the Exam Detail with your selections you made for you to change
                • Once modify and completed Click on Update Exam Request

    Screenshot of Modifying a Request


          • Cancel Request – Will bring you to Important Notice page asking you to Confirm Cancellation or Do Not Cancel and List All Exams

    Screenshot of Cancel Request confirmation

          • You will receive a green check mark with ‘SYSTEM UPDATE IS SUCCESSFUL’ at the top of your screen once clicked on Update Exam Request or Confirm Cancellation
  • Notetaking Services

    ***NOTE Services for Students with Disabilities offices will monitor the viewing of Notes to insure the request is being used. Services not being used, may lead to cancellations of services for said course.***

    1. Log into your Accommodations Account
    2. By using the ‘My Accommodations’ Tool Box found on the left-hand side of your screen
          • Click on the Notetaking Services link

                                     Screenshot of Notetaking Services tab

    1. Scroll down to find the course you requested notes for – NOTE You will not have notes uploaded if no Notetaker was matched to your course.
          • Click on the gray box labeled ‘Available Note(s) for Download (Click to Expand)’
              • This will expand to list all of the notes have been uploaded for you to view. You will be able to download this at any time and as many times as you wish throughout the term.

    Screenshot of Notetaking Services list of courses

          • Find the week you want to download and Click on the link labeled ‘Download Note’

    Screenshot of Download Notes view


Department News:

Free American Sign Language lessons for COCC students, COCC employees, and community members! 

        ASL Lunch Spring Term 2024 April 1st to June 5th. C.O.C.C Bend Campus Mondays at 12pm. Barber Library CLERC Center. C.O.C.C Redmond Campus Tuesdays at 1:30pm. Building 3, Room 309. American Sign Language mini lessons. All ages and skills welcom! Contact Erin Trimble for more information 541-383-77-37


Students in COCC Science CenterDepartment Policies:

COCC strives to make available to all students the opportunity for an excellent and rewarding education. The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 provide federal guidelines which help the College ensure equal access to all students.


The Services for Students with Disabilities office works to provide access of COCC offerings for people with disabilities through partnerships with students, staff, faculty, and community members by providing education, advocacy and accommodations.

COCC campus maps and accessible parking areas:

For any concerns regarding your accommodations, please contact us at  You can also review the following procedures: 


  • Jamie Rougeux, Manager, 541-383-7743, LIB 011
  • Miranda Brooks, Assistant Director, 541-383-7583, LIB 010
  • Erin Trimble, Sign Language Interpreter and Captioning Manager, 541-383-7737,, LIB 012
  • Jenna Fromme, Accessible Technology Coordinator, 541-383-7507,, LIB - Technical Services
  • Disability Services Video Phone: 541-647-6416
  • Oregon Relay Service: 800-735-1232, or simply dial 7-1-1