HR-13-0 Emeritus Status Selection Procedure

Privileges of Emeritus status

  • Those granted Emeritus status shall be able to keep their college email address and use of the COCC server. They will receive emails, announcements and other publications of the college through those email addresses. They will be listed with their Emeritus status in the college catalog. They will receive free admissions to all regular college events, including the start of the academic year All-College Retreat and the end of the academic year college-wide celebration. They will have full use and checking-out privileges at the college Library. They will have access to office space at the college, as needed and when available. Emeritus faculty will be welcome to the annual faculty Convocation and to Commencement, in their regalia.

 Discontinuance of Emeritus status

  • The college/Board of Directors reserves the right to rescind Emeritus status, and all its rights and privileges, at any time to anyone when considered to be in the best interest of the college. Any faculty, administrator or classified employee granted Emeritus status could request discontinuance of the status at any time.