HR-18-3 Employee Concerns Procedure

Employees may address their concerns via an informal and formal process, both of which are detailed below.

The College encourages employees to resolve concerns via the informal process described below. However, an employee may initiate the formal procedure at any time.

  1. Informal: Employees are encouraged to resolve the issue with the appropriate faculty or staff member(s) who is the subject of the concern or has responsibility for the issue in question. The employee may work with Human Resources for assistance in identifying the appropriate contact.
  2. Formal: To initiate the formal process, the employee completes the Campus Incident Concern Report; the employee may work with the Chief Human Resources Officer for assistance in initiating this process. The employee concern form should include full and relevant detail and include appropriate documentation. The employee should address the following areas in their report:
    • The subject of the concern;
    • All facts and documentation relevant to the concern;
    • Steps taken previously to resolve the matter (if any);
    • The resolution sought; and
    • All arguments in support of the desired solution. 

There may be circumstances in which the decision process may be extended; all attempts will be made to notify the employee if a delay occurs. The employee may either accept the decision or they may initiate the appeal process within five (5) business days from receipt of the decision.

Human Resources screens the concern and directs it to another process if appropriate or forwards the concern to the appropriate employee with responsibility for the issue in question (note: if the concern is regarding a Human Resources employee, the concern is screened by an Administrative Officer of the College). The individual(s) reviewing the concern provides a written decision to all parties of the concern within 15 business days of receiving the initial report.

The general nature of the concern is shared with the appropriate individuals as needed to best respond to the concern; in some cases, it may be necessary to share the actual written statement.

3. Appealing Decisions from the Formal Process

  1. The employee may appeal a decision only under the following conditions:
  2. Evidence exists that shows the concerns process was not followed; or
  3. New information or evidence relevant to the original concern is now available; or
  4. Clear abuse of discretion on the part of the individual(s) reviewing the concern.

For assistance in determining if an appeal condition is applicable, an employee may contact Human Resources.

The appeal should be submitted to Human Resources. Human Resources will determine the appropriate appeals officer (note: if the concern is regarding a Human Resources employee, the appeal may be submitted to an Administrative Officer of the College). The College designates an appeals officer to review all documentation from the initial review and may choose to request additional information or meet with the parties involved.

Based on the entirety of appeals officer review, the appeals officer decides one of the following actions:

  1. Uphold the original decision or sanctions; or
  2. Modify the original decision or sanctions; or
  3. Overturn the original decision or sanctions; or
  4. Refer the concern to the appropriate College policy or process for review.

The appeals officer notifies all parties of their determination in writing, within ten (10) business days of receiving the appeal. There may be extenuating circumstances in which the decision process may be extended; all attempts will be made to notify the employee if a delay occurs.

The appeals officer's determination is final.