G-13-0 Posting

College departments and recognized campus organizations may post without prior approval on campus bulletin boards or other approved mechanisms.

Off-campus organizations wishing to post materials on the Awbrey Butte Bend campus must contact the Office of Student Life in the Campus Center or the Information Office in Boyle Education Center for approval. Any off-campus organization in one of the branch campus communities must contact the appropriate branch campus administrator for approval. Any posting promoting an organization or gathering that is not in compliance with the COCC Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action Policy (HR-3-0) will not be approved for posting. Additionally, the College has the right to reject any postings that are not relevant to an educational function of the College, a student activity and/or a community service.

All posters, flyers or other material must bear the name of the sponsoring organization. Nothing may be posted on walls, doors (excluding office doors and residence hall room doors), windows or other objects in or on buildings or elsewhere on campus. The exception to this policy is the posting of important academic announcements or changes in the College schedule of hours of operation, which may be posted on doors.

It is the responsibility of the organization that posts information to remove all posters after the termination of the promoted event. The College may remove any posting not in compliance with this policy.