G-6-9.7 Review and Support Committee: Course Review (RSC)

Revised: 10/18/2024

The Review and Support Committee is subject to the terms articulated in the Faculty Collective Bargaining Agreement. Committee members should review the current CBA at the beginning of each academic year for a complete overview of the purposes of RSC and its processes (see Article 11.5 in the 2023-26 Faculty CBA.)


  1. Identify sets of courses at risk and seek remedies prior to any program closure decision.
  2. Consult with affected faculty member(s), their department chair, and their Instructional Dean once a set of courses has been identified as “potentially at risk,” to determine whether anomalies exist in the data.
  3. For sets of courses determined to be “at risk,” oversee and provide reasonable support during the remediation process.
  4. Regularly review indicators and benchmarks and develop modifications if needed, in consultation with Chairmoot and Faculty Senate (at least every three years but potentially every year.)
  5. Ensure regular and open communication with appropriate groups on campus, including FFEC, Faculty Senate, and Chairmoot.

Membership, Voting Status and Terms

Tenured Transfer Faculty (1)

Elected by the Faculty Senate


Three years

Tenured Career/Technical Education Faculty (1)

Elected by the Faculty Senate


Three years

Tenured Transfer Faculty (1)

Elected by the ChairMoot


Three years

Tenured Career/Technical Education Faculty (1)

Elected by the ChairMoot


Three years

Faculty Substitute (1)

Elected by the Faculty Senate

Vote only as substitute One year

Faculty Substitute (1)

Elected by the ChairMoot

Vote only as substitute One year

Vice President of Academic Affairs




Voting committee members must recuse themselves from RSC review of programs or sets of courses in their departments. In such cases, a faculty substitute will assume their duties.

Chair Election
The Vice President of Academic Affairs and a voting faculty member will co-chair this committee. The committee shall agree on the faculty co-chair at its first meeting of the academic year.

Tasks (as per 2023-26 Faculty CBA):

  1. By November 1 each year, review key indicators and benchmarks and identify programs or sets of courses to be included on the “potentially at risk” list.
  2. Before the end of Fall term, consult with affected faculty members, their chairs, and their Instructional Deans to determine if anomalies exist in the data.
  3. If a set of courses is determined to be at risk, provide written notification and schedule a subsequent meeting to set up the remediation process; this process will extend for up to eight (8) contracted terms following notification (see Faculty CBA for timeline.)
  4. When necessary, review indicators and benchmarks and begin collaborative development process with Chairmoot and Faculty Senate in the first two weeks of Spring term for revisions that will be implemented the following academic year.
  5. Continue to monitor progress of all programs "at risk."

College Support for Programs at Risk
The College is committed to seeking remedies prior to any program closure decision and will provide reasonable support to the change process. Such support might include release time for curriculum work, pay for outside consultants, and alumni survey development and implementation.

Remediation Timeline
RSC will follow the timeline articulated in the 2023-26 Faculty CBA - Article 11.5(g). The remediation process will be terminated if all the specific benchmarks identified in RSC’s written notice are met (see Article 11.5[i].)