G-6-8.2 Diversity Committee


  1. The Diversity Committee functions in an advisory role to the Director of Diversity and Inclusion and will focus their efforts in regards to the following identified areas:
    1. Access: Increase opportunities for underrepresented populations to attend and succeed at COCC.
    2. Awareness: Spread understanding of the challenges and opportunities within a diverse society.
    3. Training: Provide access to professional development for COCC staff, faculty and students to increase their knowledge of diversity issues.
  2. The Diversity Committee advises, recommends and develops strategies for recruitment and retention of a diversified faculty, staff and student body.
  3. The Diversity Committee considers and recommends actions and programs that help support and fulfill diversity related commitments by the college.
  4. The Diversity Committee provides a forum to which faculty, staff and students may refer questions and recommendations concerning diversity related policies, procedures and programming.
  5. The Diversity Committee entertains proposals for funding from various interests on and off campus and advises and recommends actions to the Director, Diversity and Inclusion.
  6. The Diversity Committee advises, recommends and develops strategies for integrating diversity into the curriculum.
  7. The Diversity Committee reviews and evaluates diversity related programming and actions in collaboration with the Director, Diversity and Inclusion annually.

Membership, Voting Status and Terms

Faculty (2)

Elected by Faculty Senate


Two years

Administrators (1)

Appointed by the President


Two years

Classified Staff (2)

Selected by CACOCC President or designee


Two years

Administrator, ABE Program (1)

Appointed by the President


Two years

OSU-Cascades Faculty or Staff (1)

Appointed by OSU-Cascades Associate Provost


Two years

Students (2)

Appointed by ASCOCC


One Year

Dean of Equity and Well-Being




Chair Election:

The committee will appoint one Chair and one Chair-elect annually. The Director of Diversity and Inclusion may not serve as chair.