G-6-9.9 Data Governance Committee

CHARGE: The primary purpose of the Data Governance Committee (DGC) is to facilitate a cohesive approach to managing and utilizing data at COCC. In pursuit of this purpose, the DGC’s scope of work includes the following:

  • Facilitate the establishment and promotion of a data governance framework
  • Guide the College to establish, promote and enforce policies and procedures around data
  • Support and document College data governance activities, including maintaining guidelines and processes related to data management.

DGC Member Structure.

DGC is comprised of employees across the institution with knowledge, responsibility and authority to meet the responsibilities of the Charter. DGC has automatic, appointed and volunteer positions. The automatic members are staff with positions that have direct data management or custodial responsibilities as part of their job descriptions. The appointed members are faculty and staff from instructional areas of the College. The volunteer appointments are solicited by the Committee Chair. All members are voting members.

The DGC has both a chair and chair-elect. The chair serves for one academic year with the chair-elect becoming the chair the following year. Nominations from DGC for the chair-elect position are accepted and put to a committee vote in the spring. The notetaker position can be filled from existing members

Membership, Voting Status and Terms: Membership Voting Status Terms
Admission & Records Volunteer Voting 3 years
Banner Module - Financial Aid Automatic Voting Standing
Banner Module - HR/Finance Automatic Voting Standing
Banner Module - Student Automatic Voting Standing
Instructional Representative (2) Appointed by Chairmoot or Faculty Senate or VPI's office Voting 1 year
Fiscal Services Volunteer Voting 3 years
Human Resources Volunteer Voting 3 years
Information Technology Representative Automatic Voting Standing
Institutional Effectiveness Volunteer Voting 3 years
Continuing Education Volunteer Voting 3 years
Notetaker/Support Volunteer Voting 1 year


Chair Election: Information Technology - Director of Enterprise Information Services and Institutional Effectiveness - Director will co-chair.