G-6-8.5 College Tenure Committee

Revised: 9/18/2024

CHARGE: The College Tenure Committee considers eligible faculty members for elevation to tenured status and submits recommendations to the College President and Board of Trustees.

Membership, Voting Status and Terms

Faculty (4)*

Elected by the Faculty Senate


Three years

 Faculty At-Large (2)*

Elected by the Faculty Senate Voting Three years

Instructional Administrator (1)

Appointed by the President


Three years

* Six faculty members (all of whom are tenured and elected by the Faculty Senate), serve staggered three-year terms so that at all times, at least two faculty members will continue on the committee. Faculty membership would represent a balance, with no more than two faculty members from any one department, with at least two members from Transfer and two from Career and Technical Education (CTE), and two at-large.

In the event that a committee member leaves or notifies the chairperson of their intent to resign the position, another tenured faculty member shall be elected as soon as possible to fill the unexpired portion of the term.

Chair Election:

As the last order of business in any given year, the Tenure Committee shall elect a chairperson for the subsequent year.