G-31-10 Bookstore

Revised: 9/17/2024

The Central Oregon Community College Bookstore exists to serve the college community. The Bookstore is operated as a self-supporting enterprise.

The pricing structure of the Bookstore is designed to make books, services, and supplies available to students at reasonable prices, while covering its cost of operations.


Adoptions: An online Textbook Adoption Form must be completed by each instructor for each course they are teaching each term, approved by the Department Chair and submitted to the Bookstore by the established term deadline (Fall: April 15; Winter: October 15; Spring: January 15; Summer: April 1). Textbook adoptions submitted after the deadline may not arrive on time without additional expense to the Department and will not be included in consideration for Buy-Back. Assumptions about the current or continuing textbook inventory should not be made. Regardless of whether a textbook has been used in the past or is currently in inventory, an adoption form must be received to guarantee sufficient textbooks for a class. An adoption form must be received even if no textbook is required and so stating that fact. Textbooks not adopted will be returned to the publisher each term.

Adoption of instructor-authored textbooks: Instructor selection of educational materials is essential to providing quality materials. This guidance regarding the selection of a textbook authored by a COCC instructor is meant to ensure the right to select the most appropriate textbook while safeguarding the instructor from any appearance of conflict with the Oregon Ethics law (which prohibits public employees from "using their official position to obtain financial gain").

1. Instructors who have authored textbooks and wish to require those textbooks for COCC credit courses must first submit this request to the Vice President of Academic Affairs for approval, prior to submitting book order.

Information needed with request would include:

  • Details of publisher contract regarding royalties
  • Availability of other texts
  • Justification for selecting this text (brief)
  • Price, and comparison with prices of other texts available for such a course
  • Strategies instructor employs to reduce student textbook cost (example: copy of text on reserve

Timeline - submit request 3 weeks prior to deadline for book order.

2. Royalties derived from COCC sales are to be diverted by the instructor to the Foundation (when instructor is paid royalties by the publisher).

3. Whether any share of royalties for sales outside COCC go to the College is governed by Article 18 of the

Faculty Collective Bargaining agreement.

Publisher Policies: Most publishers allow adequate return policies for textbook overstock. However, there are still publishers who have extremely limited return policies or do not allow returns at all. In cases where the publisher has restrictive policies, the academic Department will be notified and have the final say in the Adoption of the book and the order quantity. Unsold, nonreturnable books will be charged back to the Department at the end of each term.

Changed Orders: If a textbook selection is changed after the Bookstore has placed its orders, it can be done only with the authorization of the Department Chair. The Department then becomes responsible for all costs connected with the change: all freight costs, books purchased during buy-back and any that students may have purchased and damaged.

Over-enrollment: It is very important for each instructor to notify the Bookstore when it is evident that a course enrollment has exceeded the expected enrollment given to the Bookstore. If the Bookstore is notified prior to selling out of books, one copy will be placed on reserve at the library until the reorder arrives. The Bookstore does not provide books for long-term library reserve. This must be provided by the Department or the instructor.

Student Policies:

Returns: During the first two weeks of fall, winter and spring quarters and the first week of summer quarter, students may return textbooks for a full refund if the books are completely clean, unmarked, and undamaged, packaged items are not opened, and they have their cash register receipt from the current quarter. The refund will be made in the tender rendered. If the book is damaged or written in, it will be refunded at half-price and sold as a used book.




Defective Books: Should a student purchase a defective book (missing pages, binding falling apart) he/she should return it immediately for a replacement.

Textbook Buy-Back: Two types of textbook buy-backs are conducted at the Bookstore: Term-End and Mini-Buys. Term-End

buy-backs are held during Finals Week. Hours and days are posted. At this time, students have the

opportunity to sell their textbooks. There is no guarantee that any book will ever be purchased at buy- back. However, the Bookstore buys as many books as possible. The buy-back is conducted by Bookstore staff who purchase for the Bookstore and for the wholesalers. This gives the widest buying power for used books. Ongoing-Buys are conducted daily, except during Rush and Term-End buy-backs. At this time, books are purchased from wholesale companies. Students are encouraged to wait until Term-End buy- back for the best possible price.

Instructor's Manual and Desk Copies:

Instructors should order their own manuals and desk copies directly from the publisher. Depending on publisher, these are provided at no charge by the publisher once a book has been adopted for use. The Bookstore can provide desk copies in cases of emergency. These will be charged to the Department at the time they are picked up. Full credit will be given for desk copies replaced with new, clean copies before the end of the sixth week of the term.


General school, office and art supplies are carried at the Bookstore. Selections are based upon sales history and requests from the campus community.

Required for a Course: Supplies required or recommended for a course should be listed on the Textbook

Adoption Form to insure adequate stock and timely arrival.

Department Charges:

Department budgets are directly charged for supplies and books purchased at the Bookstore. Budget Administrators submit authorization cards that determine who may charge on each account. Special ordered supplies are discounted, if possible.

College Staff:

Discounts: College staff is given a 20 percent discount on most merchandise purchased at the Bookstore. Staff must identify themselves before the transaction and must be present to get the discount. Please do not send others to get your discount. The Bookstore is not able to honor this request.

Charges: Full-time college staff may sign up for payroll deduction for purchases made at the Bookstore.

Services and Merchandise:

Services available to the college community for a fee include incoming and outgoing Fax service, stamp sales, and special ordering of books, software and supplies. Merchandise selections include textbooks, school, office, and art supplies, general reference and reading books, educationally priced software, imprinted clothing and gifts, snack foods and greeting cards.