g-30-20.1 Approval Process for General Student Fees

Approved: 2017-09-13

Student fees may be initiated by any of the following three means: student elections (see ASCOCC Constitution for details); student referendum (see ASCOCC Constitution for details); or by College employees. Student fees approved via a student election or referendum shall be direct recommendations to the COCC Board of Directors. All other student fees (either new or changes to existing fees) may first be reviewed for input by the COCC College Affairs Committee, as well as other campus committees, task forces, and departments as appropriate to each fee, and as possible. Feedback from these groups shall be presented by the President (or designee), along with a formal proposal, to the COCC Board of Directors.

Course and program fees are determined based on criteria determined by the College; contact the Office of Instruction for details. Annually, the Chief Financial Officer will establish a benchmark amount to evaluate course and program fees. Fiscal Services will provide an annual report that identifies program fees and the related costs for evaluation. New, or changes to, course and program fees will be evaluated by faculty, Program Directors, Department Chairs and Instructional Deans who will provide recommendations to the Vice President for Instruction. If approved by the Vice President for Instruction, the appropriate Department Chair, Program Director, Instructional Dean or appointed faculty member will submit the recommended fee changes to the College Affairs Committee for approval. The Vice President for Instruction shall provide the President and Executive Administrators an annual update and present an annual information item to the COCC Board of Directors summarizing all course and program fees.

The COCC Board of Directors has the sole responsibility for increasing or decreasing student fees, including the amount and maximum credit to which the fee shall apply if the Board determines that such modifications are in the best interest of students and COCC.