Foreign Language Information

Information about Spanish Course Placement

Look at the College Catalog descriptions of Spanish courses at COCC and the Sequence Chart of COCC Spanish Transfer Classes to help you decide which Spanish class is most appropriate.

If you are still unsure, feel free to talk to a World Languages Advisor.

For languages other than Spanish, a rough estimate to use for placement is: 2 years of high school language = 1 year of COCC language, assuming that the student performed well (A's and B's) Factors that influence placement:

  • It's been a long time since high school.
  • The student wants review to feel more comfortable.
  • The high school foreign language program was not strong.
  • The student didn't do very well in high school language.

Admission requirement at Oregon universities
Students graduating from high school in 1997 or later must meet a foreign language requirement with either two years of high-school-level study in the same language or two quarter term courses of college-level study in the same language. If a student does not meet this requirement, the university may offer "conditional admission", which requires that the student take the foreign language courses prior to graduation.

Graduation requirement for a Bachelor of Arts degree at Oregon universities
Students must earn either a bachelor of arts degree (foreign language), or a bachelor of science degree (additional math/science/computer science, depending on the school). Some majors offer the option and some are aligned with one or the other.

In Oregon, the BA requirement requires that a student show proficiency of completing two years of the same foreign language at the college level. Student can complete the entire sequence, a portion of the sequence ending with a 203 course, or take a proficiency exam in some cases.

See individual college and university requirements for details.