Advising for Transfer Students

The Getting Started steps are essentially the same for a transfer student, but there are a couple of differences in how you go through the process.

1. Apply to COCC

Follow the instructions on our Getting Started pages.

2. Placement Information

If your previous transcripts include a writing and math course, you may use this in lieu of taking a placement test. You must provide your official transcripts to Admissions and Records. Please read about our policy on Submitting Transfer Transcripts.

3. Advising

Once your transcripts have been received and checked in at COCC, you can schedule a Transfer appointment with a CAP Services advisor. Call 541-383-7200 for an appointment. Appointments require at least one week advance notice, although at busy times the wait may be longer.

4. Registration

You may register after the above steps are complete and new student registration has begun. See the Getting Started Pages for details on registration dates.

Note: Before you can register for online classes offered by COCC, successful completion of the Orientation for Online Classes at COCC mini-course is required.

Using GradTracks
GradTracks is COCC's degree audit system that shows your degree requirements and your progress towards them. In order for your transfer credits to meet requirements in GradTracks, they need to have been articulated by Records staff. Normally this is done prior to your transfer advising appointment, but if not, you can request a transfer credit articulation online. If you provided your transcripts prior to Fall 2011, your transfer credits were batch entered and do not show in GradTracks (you can request that they be articulated).