GradTracks Plans Video Tutorials

Tips and Information about creating a GradTracks Plan

*Note - Videos could be set up in 2 columns. User could click play then enter full screen or view on YouTube.

GradTracks Intro

Introduction to GradTracks and the use of Plans.

Creating a GradTracks Plan from a Template

Use for a new advisee with very few transfer/prior courses.

Creating a GradTracks Plan from Scratch

Use for short term plans or when your advisee has transfer/prior coursework.

Gradtracks Plan Notes

How to use Notes in GradTracks to provide more information for students and advisors.

Screencast TEST

Gradtracks 101



*Note - Or we could list each video one at a time like this. The coulumn widths can easily be adjusted.

GradTracks Intro

Introduction to GradTracks and the use of Plans.

Creating a GradTracks Plan from a Template

Use for a new advisee with very few transfer/prior courses.

Creating a GradTracks Plan from Scratch

Use for short term plans or when your advisee has transfer/prior coursework.

GradTracks Plan Notes

How to use Notes in GradTracks to provide more information for students and advisors.