Redmond Tutoring
Please go into Canvas for ZOOM or in-person tutoring hours. Tutoring hours are available on the COCC Tutoring Tab in your COCC Canvas account.
Tutoring is free for COCC for-credit students in courses currently enrolled!
During adverse weather conditions if "The College is closed" the Tutoring Center will be closed for all zoom or in person tutoring.
In-person Math with COCC tutors - in R-Tech room 222 in Redmond
Monday |
10:00 am to 3:00 pm & 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm (Tutor out 10 am to 3 pm on January 13th) |
Tuesday |
10:00 am to 12:00 pm (will be until 4 pm after Jan 20) |
Wednesday |
3:30 pm to 5:30 pm |
Thursday |
10:15 am to 12:00 pm (will be until 4 pm after Jan 20) |
Friday |
10 am to 3 pm |
Zoom |
Zoom Tutoring hours are available on the COCC Tutoring Tab in your COCC Canvas account |
In-person Science with COCC tutors
Chemistry |
in Building 1, in the Science hallway |
Monday |
Zoom Tutoring hours are available on the COCC Tutoring Tab in your COCC Canvas account |
Tuesday |
11:00 am to 3:00 pm |
Wednesday |
12:00 am to 4:00 pm |
Thursday & Friday |
Zoom Tutoring hours are available on the COCC Tutoring Tab in your COCC Canvas account |
Zoom |
Zoom Tutoring hours are available on the COCC Tutoring Tab in your COCC Canvas account |
In-person Writing, Reading & Study Skills with COCC tutors - in R-Tech room 222 in Redmond
Writing |
Zoom |
Zoom Tutoring hours are available on the COCC Tutoring Tab in your COCC Canvas account |
Western eTutoring Consortium tutors from colleges throughout the western US can be accessed on our Online Tutoring page. Online Tutoring is free for COCC for-credit students in courses currently offered!
Kellie Smith, Director of Tutoring & Testing -
Bennett Comerford
Jackie Kuzio-Williford - ext.2062
TBA, Administrative Assistant - _______________/541-383-7534