Library Website Changes

The Library website was updated on June 25, 2023. Here's a brief summary of what's changed:

  • The biggest change is to the Library search on the home page.
    • You'll now see all results in one list and get results from a greater number of our subscription sources, reducing the number of searches and clicks to get to the content you need.
    • Articles, books, movies, and more are all displayed together. You can use the filters on the left or top of the screen to drill down to what you're looking for. 

Image shows filter locations on screen. Resource type filters are available under the search box and on the sidebar, under the heading "resource type." The filters labeled "limit by" include things like peer reviewed articles and full text online immediately. A date filter allows filtering by specific date. Also, the image demonstrates how different types of resources are combined in the search results, like ebooks, print books and articles.

  • You can still find a complete list of Library resources in the Database A-Z List and resources by subject in our Subject Guides. 
  • We have new pages for CLERC and the Rotunda Gallery
  • Library hours and events are displayed on a combined calendar for greater convenience. 
  • We've added content in Spanish for some of our most popular and public-facing pages.
  • If you have questions, feedback, or problems to report, you're welcome to send them to Michele DeSilva at