Afrocentric Student Club
A space for students of color and allies to come together to share in community. A space for students to laugh, to cry, to study and discuss, to be, and to grow together. All are welcome in this club. We exist to elevate Black and Brown voices, to increase Black and Brown representation, and to grow together in our understanding and celebration of Black and Afrocentric history, heritage, culture and traditions.
Meetings are biweekly on Tuesdays, from 2-4 PM (walk-in style). Next mtg: Nov 26th
Office Hours: Tuesday 2-4 PM, Ochoco Hall RM 213
Office Hours: Redmond Campus, Monday 9-3 PM, Multicultural Room
Questions? Reach out to Marcus LeGrand, Afrocentric Student Program and College Prep Coordinator: // 541.330.4376
MLK Day of Service January 20, 2025 - All DayLocations throughout Deschutes, Crook, and Jefferson Counties and the Confederated Tribes of Warm SpringsConnect Central Oregon and United Way of Central Oregon are partnering with AmeriCorps,
OSU Cascades, Central Oregon Community College, and over 20 local organizations as
part of the 2025 Martin Luther King, Jr., National Day of Service.
Students, faculty, and community members can visit Connect Central Oregon - Service
Opportunities site to browse and sign up for one of 25 MLK Day service projects. Please
note, volunteers will need to create an account on the Connect Central Oregon site
in order to sign up for a project.
Afrocentric Club Book Series Presents:
Amplifying Your Voice: Spoken Word Workshop
Thursday, November 9th, 4:30-6:30 p.m. PST
COCC Bend Campus: Pioneer Hitchcock Auditorium
RSVP required via mail to the address below and seating is limited
Explore rhyme, improvisation, and wordplay in a fun and accessible way. Los Angeles-based artisit Micah Bournes will introduce participants to the world of spoken word poetry, with guidance on how to creative and perform for an audience.
Questions? Reach out to Marcus LeGrand, Afrocentric Student Program and College Prep Coordinator: // 541.330.4376
Open Dialogue: COCC Students and Law Enforcement discuss safety
COMMUNITY CONVERSATION: COCC students talk w/local law enforcement
January 18, 2023 | 2-3 p.m.
COCC Bend Campus – Wille Hall
Join the Afrocentric Studies Club for a critical and open conversation with students
and Central Oregon law enforcement about public safety, policing, safety during traffic
stops, community issues, and other impactful topics.
Need more information?
Marcus LeGrand
Afrocentric Student College Coordinator
Office of Diversity and Inclusion
Central Oregon Community College
541. 330.4376 |