What is a Self Paced Learning Environment?

At the Manufacturing and Applied Technology Center (MATC), we provide you with a different way of learning. MATC is a self-paced learning environment. Our program is ideal for Kinesthetic Learners- people who learn best by doing, working at their own individual pace.

Students in our program dont spend hours listening to long dry lectures that describe the theory of how things are supposed to work. Instead, MATC students come to our program, clock in like real employees and get to their jobs (courses), learning about modern manufacturing methods by actually using them. Students work one-on-one with instructors and staff who share their real world experiences and insights from a variety of industries. Eddy Current 1

Our programs courses dont just meet once or twice a week like many traditional schools do. At MATC, we are open many hours each day, four days a week with time in the morning or the evening to fit with your busy schedules. Additionally, most of our first year courses and many second year courses use E- Learning. E-Learning lessons are internet based interactive content you can access from home or anywhere else you can get a high speed internet connection.

MATC Student at ComputerYou have the freedom to come to the MATC any time that the center is open. You work at your own pace while staying in regular contact with your instructors and facilitators. Using a checklist system, MATC students move step-by-step through their assignments that include videos, book assignments, calculations, and many practical labs. Because of the self-based system, the MATC is able present a wide variety of topics every term as you work towards your chosen certificates and degrees.

The education offered through the MATC provides not only technical proficiency, but also broad-based life skills. As you work your way towards your certificate or degree you will learn self-discipline and personal work ethics skills that will help you to move ahead in your career and succeed in today's demanding job market.