COCC ITS Master Plan


The COCC Strategic Plan, as well as rapid changes in the education technology landscape, influence the direction that technology at COCC will take in the coming years. The ITS Master Plan, which is augmented by each ITS team’s Administrative Unit Review (AUR), guides how those changes most effectively align with the COCC Strategic Plan. Implementing the ITS Master Plan is a continual process, and the pace of progress will depend upon a number of circumstances including the availability of labor and financial resources.

The current COCC Strategic Plan includes four core themes which guide the development of the ITS Master Plan: Student Success, Student Experience, Community Enrichment, and Institutional Efficiency. Each of these core themes focuses on providing educational services, resources, and offerings to COCC students and community. Technology is a vital component of the strategic plan themes and goals, and allows COCC to enhance curriculum and course delivery, develop community partnerships, support students’ academic goals, and improve institutional systems and processes. The following graphic identifies the overarching ITS Master Plan for a three-year period (2021-2023).

ITS Master Plan Overview

ITS Master Plan

Considerations and trends used in the development of the ITS Master Plan:

  1. Technology facilitates rapid change in the methods used to deliver higher education to students and training to COCC’s workforce.
  2. Information security is an increasingly important element in the operation of IT Service organizations globally including higher education.
  3. Students have an expectation that colleges will have a variety of IT systems in place to support the student lifecycle.
  4. Online education continues to have a growing impact on higher education and provides more flexibility for students to choose from a broader range of online or hybrid classes

As noted, the technology landscape is rapidly changing in higher education. The COCC ITS department continues to keep abreast of these changes and has been collecting information from stakeholders across the college to determine what types of technology are important to students, faculty, and staff. ITS is using this feedback and higher-ed technology trends to plan for the future of technology at COCC.

ITS Master Plan and Activities for 2021-2022 - The following graphic provides the current ITS themes and goals:

ITS Master Plan 2021 Goals


The ITS Master Plan has four main themes, each with corresponding goals outlined below. The more granular internal objectives to achieve these goals are documented and planned to be accomplished over the next five years.

Theme 1: ITS Organization

Provide information technology, analytics foundations, application development, and infrastructure services to support and enable COCC to fulfill its mission and vision. 


  1. Align ITS with College goals through information technology governance.
  2. Sustain a robust ITS infrastructure strategy for the provisioning, delivery, and management of information systems and services to meet the current and future needs of the College.
  3. Ensure resiliency through business continuity planning and disaster recovery.
  4. Enhance cyber security processes and protections.
  5. Incorporate accessibility and universal design standards into information and technology resources and services.

ITS will regularly consult the ITS Master Plan to monitor progress.

Theme 2: Teaching and Learning Support

Deliver innovative and effective technologies, software, resources, and services to enhance teaching and learning.


  1. Provide technology for teaching, learning, and student success.
  2. Promote technology for innovative teaching and student achievement.

Theme 3: Campus and Community

Provide technologies and services to enhance communication, partnerships, and interactions between members of the campus faculty, staff, students, and the community.


  1. Develop technology services to support a student's connection with the college.
  2. Enhance community and eductional partnerships.
  3. Provide technology support for University Partners.

Theme 4: Operational Innovation

Leverage technology, process innovations, and projects to improve business processes, increase operational effectiveness, reduce costs, and support continuous quality improvement.


  1. Deliver outstanding customer service.
  2. Foster and develop a skilled ITS workforce.
  3. Utilize IT service management frameworks to improve quality (ex. ITIL, COBIT)
  4. Improve ITS operations through systems analysis and corrective actions.