COCC Career and College Connections Hub
Career Connected Learning (CCL) is about connecting the interests, aptitudes, education, and goals of every Oregon youth to their future. Through career exploration and real-world work experiences, students have a chance to learn about career and educational pathways that spark their imagination.
Career & College Connections Portals
Industry Partners
Help grow your workforce pipeline and ignite the imagination of our youth by partnering to connect youth with real-world experiences in the workplace. Here are some ways you can connect with schools and youth:
- Guest speaking: Offer to talk to K-12 students about your career journey and career field in the classroom or virtually.
- Informational Interviews: Offer to connect with a high school student interested in your career. Answer questions over email, phone, in the classroom, or over Zoom.
- Mock Interviews: Work with youth to practice their interviewing skills.
- Career fairs: Participate in local career fairs to represent your industry and workplace.
- Job shadows and workplace tours: Host a group of students at your worksite for a few hours. Introduce them to career paths in your industry and engage them with hands-on exploration of your career field.
Career & College Connections Hub Goals
EMPOWER all Central Oregon students by helping them better understand themselves and the world of work. When students connect learning with their personal aspirations, they are more engaged and take responsibility for their success. |
Provide opportunities for students to EXPLORE career options and gain career skills through meaningful work-based learning experiences. |
Help students ENGAGE in lifelong learning by connecting them with training and college programs that support their career aspirations. Help high school students take advantage of concurrent enrollment opportunities to jump start their postsecondary education. |
CONNECT students and K-12 educators with local business and industry to provide real-world, hands-on experiences that inspire academic and career success. |
SUPPORT K-12 educators with engaging Career Connected Learning curriculum and teaching tools as well as meaningful connections to college and industry outreach activities that support student learning: job shadows, campus visits, guest speakers, industry tours, internships and more. |
BENEFIT business and industry by helping them connect with students who are an essential to the development of our future workforce. |
COCC Career Connected Learning Systems Navigator
Wendi Worthington
Feel free to contact me for assistance with industry connections, COCC collaboration, curriculum resources / training, and further support for career connected learning initiatives.
Complete the Request Form below for CCL assistance:
Career Connected Learning Systems Navigators are an Oregon Department of Education (ODE) ESSER III grant-funded position at every Oregon Community college and positioned to coordinate efforts through sustained and ongoing collaboration with regional education and workforce partners who are, and have been engaged in Career Connected Learning delivery systems in an effort to supplement, and not supplant regional systems. ODE and HECC guide the vision.