Undocumented Student Resources

Although undocumented students cannot apply to federal financial aid there are several financial resources available so click on links below. Below are some resources for undocumented students.

Undocumented Student Relief Fund
Undocumented Student Relief Fund Application (PDF)

Educational Options for Undocumented Students at COCC
Education Options for Undocumented Students (PDF)

Office of Student Access and Completion
Link for state aid for Undocumented Students

Transfer Options
Oregonstate.edu - Tuition Equity
Oregonstate.edu - Tuition Equity FAQs (pdf)

Scholarship and Resource Guides
COCC Foundation Scholarship
COCC Latinx Scholarship Fund
OSAC Scholarships
Central Oregon Latino Scholarship
The Ford Family Foundation Scholarship
Oregon Latino Scholarship Program
Educators for Fair Consideration (E4FC)
Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund
My (Un) Documented Life
The College Board Resources
Hispanic Scholarship Fund
Salvadoran American Leadership & Educational Fund

Additional Resources
DREAMer's RoadMap
My Undocumented Life

For more information on these scholarships or how to donate to local students contact Claudia Bisso-Fetzer, Latinx Program Coordinator at cbissofetzer@cocc.edu or 541-318-3717.

Latinx Fund Books