How Will My College Now Courses Transfer?

Credits earned through College Now are regular COCC credits which are transferable to many community colleges, colleges and universities. If and how College Now courses transfer is up to the receiving institution. It is important that you check with the college or university you plan to attend to see how credits earned through COCC will transfer and apply. You can also see how COCC courses will transfer using Transferology which is a free tool that provides a quick way of seeing how your courses will transfer.

Below are links to each Oregon Public University transfer equivalency tool. Colleges and Universities usually have a similar tool posted to their website if you are not transferring to an Oregon Public University.

Oregon Public University

Transfer Equivalency Tool

Eastern Oregon University

EOU's Transfer Equivalency Tool

Oregon Institute of Technology

OIT's Transfer Equivalency Tool

Oregon State University

OSU's Transfer Equivalency Tool

Portland State University

PSU uses Transferology

Southern Oregon University

SOU's Transfer Equivalencies Tool

University of Oregon

UofO uses Transferology

Western Oregon University

WOU's Transfer Equivalencies Tool

Please visit our Career, Advising and Placement Service's transfer page for more information. If you attend COCC with the intention of transferring, your academic advisor will help you tailor a program to the college you plan to attend.