Solicitation Methods


It is the College's objective to promote competition in public contracting that supports openness and impartiality to the maximum extent possible.

For orders < $25,000 staff are encouraged to obtain quotes. The department can generate a purchase order up to $2,500; for amounts greater than $2,500 a Purchase Request should be filled out and forwarded to Fiscal Services.

For orders > $25,000 but less than $150,000, Purchasing will work with College staff to conduct an informal solicitation and obtain three written quotes whenever possible.

For orders > $150,000 Purchasing will choose the appropriate solicitation process (e.g. invitation to bid, request for proposal, request for information, etc), in accordance with state and federal regulations, to arrive at offers that represent optimal value to the College. Notices are placed in the appropriate publications.


Purchase Orders (PO) < $2,500

Purchase Orders are issued directly to suppliers by College departments and used for single, non-recurring purchases of $2,500 or less.

Purchase Orders (PO) > $2,500

Standard College purchase orders can be used for all purchase made by the College. Purchase orders exceeding $2,500 require Fiscal Services approval before goods and services are ordered.

Change Orders

Any and all change orders to a purchase (increases, decreases, cancellations) shall be made by issuance of a College Change Order.

College Purchasing Thresholds

Before goods and services can be purchases the following procedures or processes must be met:

Purchases under $25,000 can be made at the discretion of College budget authorities.

Purchases over $25,000 but under $150,000 require a minimum of three competitive quotations, or may be exempted from the need for a competitive process by the Purchasing Coordinator. Go here for a form to request an exemption.

Purchases of $150,000 or greater must be formally bid or may be exempted by the need for a competitive process by the President.

Purchases of $150,000 or greater must additionally be approved by the Board of Directors.

Limitation of Authority

Suppliers should only provide goods and services after acceptance of an authorized College purchase order.

Anytime a supplier provides goods or services to a College employee without receiving a purchase order, the supplier accepts the probability of the College refusing to acknowledge the transaction and delaying and/or refusing to make payment. In order to insure appropriate College authority and prompt payment for goods and services the following procedure should be followed:

  1. Authorized College employee determines the price, delivery terms and supplier for goods and/or services needed;
  2. The College employee provides the supplier with a purchase order, signed by the designated College administrator;
  3. The supplier provides the goods or service according to the agreed upon conditions;
  4. The supplier submits an invoice to the College (department name, and purchase order shall be noted on the invoice).

If there is doubt as to the authority of any staff member to make purchases, supplier should contact Fiscal Services for approval.

Standard College Terms

Central Oregon Community College's standard contract terms are an integral part of every purchase order issued by the College. Standard terms can be found here.




Under normal circumstances, the College does not issue payment until the item has been delivered to the correct location and accepted as being in appropriate condition and in compliance with the order.


The supplier shall submit invoices in duplicate for each order to:

Central Oregon Community College
Attention: Fiscal Services, Accounts Payable
2600 NW College Way,
Bend, OR 97703

Invoices shall include:

  1. College Purchase Order number;
  2. Name of the College department requesting the goods or services;
  3. Complete description of goods or services provided;
  4. Quantity, unit pries and extensions;
  5. Discount terms;
  6. Invoice number and date of invoice;
  7. Suppliers name, address, telephone, fax and email.


Payment is issued by Fiscal Services in a timely manner. The general policy is to make no prepayments or accept C.O.D.s. Payments are made within 30 days from receipt of invoice. If you have any questions concerning the payment of an invoice contact Fiscal Services, Accounts Payable, at (541) 383-7224.



For purchases greater than $25,000 but less than $150,000: before a supplier can be selected and an order placed, College departments must first obtain a minimum of three competitive quotations.

Quotations may be obtained by one of the following ways:

  1. The buyer may call the supplier and request a verbal quotation;
  2. The buyer may call the supplier and request the vendor to submit a written quotation; or
  3. The buyer may email the supplier a Request for Quotation, which the vendor competes and returns to the buyer.

In each case it is important that the supplier clearly identify the product quoted, including the brand and model, and accurately reflect quantities, unit prices, extended prices, delivery time, and (if applicable) educational discounts. The buyer cannot make an informed decision without this information. The supplier could be disqualified from consideration for failure to supply all the information requested and/or failure to submit the quotation by the specified due date.

College Departments Obtaining Quotations

Before obtaining quotations, departments must first clearly identify the product's attributes, quantity required, a date the product is needed by, any services required, and the time limit for acceptance of quotations. Departments then contact potential suppliers. The project requirements are related in the same manner to all the suppliers contacted. Suppliers give either a verbal quote or fax/email a written quote to the department.

Purchasing Services Obtaining Quotations

If a department prefers, the College Director of Contracts and Risk Management will obtain quotations for the department. The Director may obtain verbal or formal quotations, whichever is in the best interest of the College. Quotes are discussed with the department and the lowest responsible, responsive quote is awarded the contract.

Obtaining Quotations Ethically and Responsibly

  • Some basic rules should be followed when obtaining quotes:
  • Give all suppliers the same information.
  • Ensure that the quotation includes shipping.
  • Ask if there is an educational discount.
  • Never disclose quotations beyond the confines of college staff until an award is made.
  • Do not negotiate pricing.
  • Do not add non-quoted items to the quote after award is made.
  • Ask how long the quoted price is valid.
  • Tell suppliers if you intend to split the award between two or more suppliers.
  • Make sure that quotations are for goods that have comparable features.