Public Sector - General Information



You will receive an automatically generated email confirmation within 2 days of your registration (confirmation is a PDF attachment). This confirms that we have received and processed your registration and you are confirmed in the class you've requested. After this, our policy is "No News is Good News," so if you don't hear from us again, please attend class. You may also receive another email 8-12 days before the first class date with information on any pre-work required for the class, or communication related to the class.


If you need to cancel: Please notify COCC by phone or email at least two weeks prior to the first session and we will drop you from the class. If you need to cancel after the two-week deadline, please contact us right away, as we may have a wait list and can fill your spot with someone who would like to attend. If there is no one on the wait list, substitutions are welcome. We encourage you to find a colleague who can attend in your place. If you do find a replacement, please contact us to make the change in our registration system. We will need the registration information for the person taking your place. If you cannot find a replacement, we will charge your organization for your registration.

If we need to cancel: All courses are subject to having sufficient enrollment two weeks from the first class date. If we find that enrollment is low, we may need to cancel the class. In this case, you will be contacted by COCC's customer service team by phone and/or email notifying you of the cancellation at least ten days prior to the first session.


Your employer will be paying for the fee related to your class, so no payment is required of you to register. You will need to go through the approval system your employer has established in order to register and attend. If you have questions about this, please contact your supervisor.

Quick Links:

Registration Information

Location Codes

General Information/Cancellations

Main Public Sector Webpage __________________

Contact COCC

Monday-Friday 9am-5pm

Human Resource Contacts:

Bend Park & Recreation District
Theresa Albert

City of Bend
Amanda Toms

City of Redmond
Katie Graham

Deschutes County
Jason Bavuso

Deschutes Public Library
Jennifer Palmer

Rachael Nellis