Shared Governance Process

The following information highlights the preliminary communications policy committees should make when recommending policy, providing oversight, etc. This a preliminary guide. There are many situations that a committee may need to inform committees beyond its immediate scope. An example of this process would be that the Curriculum Committee, a subcommittee of Academic Affairs, reports back to Academic Affairs, yet, it would also go to Academic Affairs with proposals to change their membership.

Review and Approval to Changes to the Policy and Procedures Manuals
Institutional policies and procedures of the College shall be reviewed by the Shared Governance Committee on an annual basis, or more often as needed to ensure that policies and procedures are being followed and/or are up to date.

Members of the College Board, College employees, or students may submit proposals to the appropriate policy committee for a substantive change to the General Policies and Procedures Manual. Internal department procedures not delineated in the General Policies and Procedures Manual do not need to go through this process.

Proposals for new or revised Institutional Policies and Procedures shall first be considered by the group(s) with immediate oversight of the policy or procedure. For example:

    • Academic Policies and Procedures: Admissions and Records; Academic Affairs; Chairmoot; Faculty Senate; Student Affairs
    • Business Policy and Procedures: Fiscal Services; Chief Financial Officer
    • Faculty Policy and Procedures: Faculty Senate Vice President of Academic Affairs; Chairmoot
    • Human Resources Policy and Procedures: Chief Information/Human Resources Office; Student Policy and Procedures Student Affairs; Dean of Student and Enrollment Services
    • Campus Safety Policy and Procedure: Safety Committee; Campus Public Safety; Vice President for Administration
    • Committee Charges and Membership: Committee members and its immediate constituents; College Affairs.

A policy committee shall hold two readings, open to the college community, on the proposed new or revised policy or procedure. Following an approved first reading, the revised or new policy or procedure will be shared on campus. The individual or group making the proposal shall make their proposal to Headlines. The policy committee will then hold a second reading.

If the group reviewing the change in policy or procedure is a policy committee, that committee makes a recommendation to the College President for consideration of approval. Advisory committees and other groups submit recommendations to the  committee they are advising or to the appropriate administrative unit within which the group resides. All other committees, including Administrative committees, shall submit their recommendation for a change in policy and procedures as described in their committee charge.

Following presidential approval of a change, the change (update, deletion, addition or revision) to the GP Manual shall be made on the website version of the GP Manual. Any approved substantive change to the GP Manual shall be announced by the College Affairs Chair to the College using Headlines, in addition to announcing to the current presidents of the Faculty Forum, ABS Union, and CACOCC-Classified Association within two weeks of the College President approving the change, in order for them to notify their respective members.