COCC Account Login Help

Your COCC email address is the username for all 4 accounts. Same password for all 4 accounts. One place to reset/change your password – the Password Reset Manager. Password will expire every 6 months – be ready!

Inactive accounts are disabled after one year.

  • Forgot your password?
    • If you forgot your password, visit the Password Reset Manager
    • Enter your COCC email username/address
    • Enter the captcha numbers in the text box
    • Click “continue"
    • Verify your identity by either:
    • answering the security questions
    • have a verification code sent to your personal email address
    • enter verification code into the password reset tool
    • Enter your new password.
    • Confirm your new password.
    • Click “Reset Password."

  • Don't know your COCC Email address?
  • Setup or change your personal email address to access password resets
  • Setup or change your Verification method
    • Sign into the Password Reset Manager tool by entering your username and password just below the "To change your password login here" text
    • Select the “Enrollment” tab
    • Add/Edit your security questions or personal email address
    • Click “Update” when finished