The Oregonian Spotlights COCC's Oregon Promise Student Success

March 19, 2023

The Oregonian recently published an article about Bend Community College's success in supporting Oregon Promise students. COCC offers early registration, academic advising, and financial assistance programs to help students overcome financial and academic challenges. As a result, Oregon Promise students at COCC have higher completion rates and academic performance compared to their peers. COCC's approach serves as an example for other institutions seeking to improve student outcomes by prioritizing student support and investing in academic and financial resources.

Read article at Bend community college says beefed-up supports help Oregon Promise students outshine peers

Photo Description: Morgan Brandon, 18, is finishing her second year at Central Oregon Community College where she is studying criminal justice. She’s among the hundreds of Oregon Promise grant recipients at the Bend college who are experiencing better outcomes than peers who didn’t receive the grant.

Photographer Credit: Ryan Ivy

Morgan Brandon