Institutional Efficiency

Goal Statement: 

Strengthen systems, policies and procedures to create more proactive, responsive and effective internal processes.

Goal Intention: 

While the College has changed dramatically over the last decade, the institution’s operational infrastructure has not kept pace. COCC will examine and improve policies, procedures and systems to make them more efficient, effective and operationally sustainable to provide a high quality work and learning environment.

What will COCC look like when this goal is achieved?

Faculty and staff at the College can clearly articulate the decision-making processes. College information is provided in an accurate and consistent way across all communication sources. Internal audiences know how and where to access information in order to stay informed, accomplish tasks and actively participate. Employees identify as part of the College community and contribute to creating an effective, supportive and inclusive learning and working environment with recognized opportunities for professional growth and development. 


IE-1: Improve practices and systems related to providing a supportive and productive workplace.

IE-2: Develop effective and efficient policies and procedures that are applied uniformly across the College.

IE-3: Define, document and practice clear operational decision-making.

IE-4: Improve information sharing practices and communication sources.