
Copyright Law, Piracy, and Acceptable Use Piracy


Central Oregon Community College's stance on Piracy

The institution's Acceptable Use Policy governs the use of computers and networks by all persons at Central Oregon Community College (COCC). COCC requires that any use of its technology and networks must observe all relevant laws and regulations, including (but not limited to) the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976. Relevant information from the Acceptable Use Policy applicable to copyright infringement:

Terms and conditions of use:
Users must adhere strictly to software licensing agreements and copyright laws.
Any violation of this policy or local, state, or federal laws may be referred to appropriate COCC office and/or, as appropriate, law enforcement authorities.
Misuses of COCC computing, networking, or information resources may result in the immediate loss of computing and/or network access, and may lead to further disciplinary action as well.

Conduct which violates this policy includes, but is not limited to the following:
Copying software protected by copyright, except as permitted by software licensing agreements


Copyright Law

U.S. copyright law outlined in detail on the interactive website Whether published digitally, on paper, or displayed via television or radio, copyright law protects the authors of "original works of authorship, including literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, and certain other intellectual works." The law grants copyright holders, authors and publishers, exclusive reproduction rights. Therefor consumers must obtain explicit permission from the copyright holder before lawfully reusing, reproducing, or redistributing copyright protected works.


Provisions for Academia

The Copyright Act contains exceptions for he use of copyright-protected materials by academic institutions. For more information regarding these provisions, refer to the COCC Library website's Course Reserves Copyright Policy.


For further information, contact:

Copyright Infringement/ Piracy: ITS Department
Provisions for Academia: Tina Hovekamp -