Ponderosa Project
Calling all COCC faculty! You are cordially invited to participate in The Ponderosa Project workshop, Friday & Saturday, May 16 & 17, at the Cascade Culinary Institute. Based on a national model for faculty development and innovation around environmental and social sustainability curriculum, the workshop features two days of guest speakers, peer-to-peer brainstorming sessions, pedagogical exercises, field trips, reflection time, and place-based experiential learning.
The purpose of the Ponderosa Project workshop is to explore how we can meaningfully integrate sustainability (broadly defined) into our classrooms. Local and global perspectives are encouraged, as are faculty from all disciplines. Participants will gain a deeper understanding of sustainability and its interconnections, as well as the inspiration and support necessary to create new sustainability-themed lesson plans and/or courses. Deep thoughts will be had and community will be created.
Participants who complete all aspects of the Ponderosa Project (workshop + curriculum development) will receive a $1000 honorarium, paid for by the COCC Strategic Plan fund, the Center for Advancing Faculty Excellence (CAFE), and the Sustainability Committee.
Ponderosa Project participants agree to:
- Read some materials prior to the workshop.
- Participate in the 2-day workshop, May 16 & 17, 8:30am-4:30pm.
- Prepare a new lesson plan or syllabus for the chosen course(s) and submit it with an explanatory paragraph to the Ponderosa Project webpage by September 1st, 2025.
- Report back to the group during a September field trip, then again during a follow-up gathering and meal next Spring term (2026).
The workshop is limited to 20 participants. Applications are due by 5pm March 15th. To apply, click on the Faculty Application link below. We look forward to hearing from you!
The Presidents Climate Leadership Commitment Strategic Plan Action Team
Questions? Please contact Owen Murphy at 541-383-7766 or omurphy@cocc.edu.