Dining Options

COCC is excited to offer a quality dining services experience that is more than great food. It is a community experience centered on culinary expertise, fresh ingredients, healthy options and a shared sense of environmental and social responsibility.

All students living in on-campus student housing at COCC are required to select one of the three meal plans. Below are the 2024-25 rates.

Students dining on campus at Central Oregon Community College


Meal Credits
(renewed weekly)

Flex Cash
(renewed quarterly)

Total Cost per Year
(fall, winter and spring)

Preferred 19 meal credits $100 flex cash $5,954
Standard 14 meal credits $200 flex cash $5,476
Basic 9 meal credits $400 flex cash $5,010
Starter 7 meal credits $500 flex cash $4,806

As you can see, each meal plan comes with a certain number of Meal Credits and Flex Dollars per term. See the description below for how these work and pick the meal plan that works best for you!

Meal Credits: Meal Credits give students access to the dining hall during an established mealtime. Meal credits can only be applied to dining hall meals. Meal Credits reset at the beginning of each week and do not roll over, meaning any unused credits are lost. Use the chart above to pick a plan that best matches the number of meals you plan to eat in the dining hall per week!

Flex Dollars: The flex dollars are used similar to a declining balance debit card and permit the student to purchase meals at the Coats Campus Center dining hall or quick-service options within the cafe and market. Unused Flex Dollars will roll over to the next term throughout the academic year (for example, from Fall Term to Winter Term). All accounts are reset at the end of the academic year or when the student checks out of Wickiup Hall, whichever comes first, and there are no refunds on unused Flex Dollars, so we highly encourage students to use them throughout the term! 

Adjustments to Plan: Since a student may still be learning their schedule and when they are able to attend meals times, a student may adjust their meal plan within the two weeks of a term by contacting the Housing Office at housing@cocc.edu. After such time, the meal plan is not adjustable until the beginning of the next term.

Check Balance: Students can check their balance with a cashier in the dining hall or in the cafe.