Adult Basic Skills

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  • Do you want to improve your reading, writing, or math skills?
  • Do you want to earn your GED?
  • Do you want to learn English? ¿Quieres aprender inglés?  

COCC can help you take a big step wherever you are in your life.

For your work, for your life, and for your future, start learning at COCC today! Each new student starts with a Welcome Session. These Welcome Sessions help students find the best class for their learning needs. We look forward to meeting you. 

"If I can do it, you can do it."

Leslie Estrada Burgos, caregiver at St. Charles Health System. Burgos earned her GED with Adult Basic Skills.

 GED Prep or English Language Learner Student Drawing a Fishing Scene on Whiteboard

We're Here to Help

Learn more about attending Central Oregon Community College.


Additional Information

Adult Basic Skills subjects include reading, writing, mathematics, science, social studies, and English Language Learner (sometimes commonly referred to as ESL or English as a Second Language courses).  

View our schedule of upcoming classes.  

We also offer classes that help you succeed in selected COCC college courses. We offer support classes for Early Childhood Education, Medical Assisting, Certified Nursing Assistant, and Manufacturing classes. We also offer a support class for students who are working on their GED and would like to try out a college class. 



GED Prep

Two Female Students Preparing for GED at COCC Madras

Prepare to take the GED exam.

GED Prep

English Language Learner

A Group of Three Students Reviewing English Language Learner Work Together

Practice speaking, reading, and writing English.

English Language Learner

Schedule of Classes 

Students and teacher conversing over paperwork in adult basic skills class

View class days, times, and campus locations.

Class Schedule